Aesthetics Wiki
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Soft Countriana is an aesthetic that was popular in media in the late 1970s to 1980s and was popularized by conservative suburban communities, as a way of holding onto tradition and history.


This aesthetic likely came out of the rise of right wing beliefs in the 1980s, suburbanization, and the influence of Victorian and Gay 90s revival aesthetics.

Victorian architecture was popular at this time, this aesthetic can also be seen as an early form of Cottagecore


Similar to Cottagecore, this aesthetic insinuates the feeling of wanting to get away from modern society, but with more of a reminiscent, suburbanized feel compared to the colonial one of Cottagecore.


Though this would be more of an aesthetic prevalent in interior design, the fashion is quite feminine, including:

  • Gunne Sax style dresses
  • Laura Ashley fashions.
  • Frilly nightwear(more specifically nightgowns)
  • Quilt skirts
  • Ruffled tops
  • Polka dot dresses
  • Peter Pan collars
  • Puffed sleeves


  • Frilly nightwear
  • Quilts
  • Checkered or polka dot patterns
  • Shabby Chic knick-knacks
  • Jars, presumably for salt, sugar, etc.
  • Rocking horses, teddy bears, dollhouses and other children’s paraphernalia
  • Geese, particularly in the likes of Mother Goose for the vintage feel


  • Hello Kitty
  • Barbie
  • Precious Moments
  • Cabbage Patch Kids
  • Auntie ‘Em Collection
  • Peter Rabbit
  • Country home magazines


