Aesthetics Wiki

Rolinga is the name given to a subculture and urban tribe in Argentina, whose popularity exploded in 1995. Its followers are also called this way. A synonym for this tribe is the word "stone". They are characterized by their aesthetics; based, among other influences, on that of Mick Jagger in the 1960s. It is also characterized by the taste of its followers for rolinga rock, and by the type of behaviors they have, typical of the "neighborhood culture" in Argentina.


One of the characteristics of rolingas is their stereotypical aesthetics. However, in recent years the Rastafari and Villero culture influenced her.

His fans usually wear Mick Jagger's bangs in the '60s (some use dreadlocks), worn sneakers (generally Topper), a frayed scarf around their neck, a T-shirt from a movement band or with the Rolling Stones' tongue. Stones and in some cases, necklaces on the neck and bracelets on the wrists; They also usually use jackets and jogging pants, although they also use jamaican pants or jeans, in any case, they may be torn.


The origins of the tribe are sordid, it is not well known when exactly the tribe originated, supposedly at the end of the '80s, when Los Ratones Paranoicos ("the Paranoid Mice") left punk rock and turned to rock and roll, coinciding with the births of bands like Los Piojos and Viejas Locas.

The general influences of the tribe are known: the aesthetics of Mick Jagger in the '60s, the music of the Rolling Stones in their beginnings, the apology for "neighborhood life" typical of heavy metal since the '70s, and the behavior of the public of "underground" bands like Patricio Rey and los redonditos de ricota and Sumo.

They also contributed to Argentina's poor economic, cultural and institutional situation during the presidency of Carlos Saúl Menem; and the phenomenon of the barra bravas in Argentina.



Luca Prodan, born in Italy 1953. Frontman and leader of the very important band Sumo.


in February 2006. The "Cromañon" effect, a consequence of the fire in 2004 of the dance venue that bore that name, damaged the public image of the "rolingas" in a significant way.

Starting in December 2001, with the peak of cumbia villera and the birth of the Cumbieros tribe, the rolingas tribe began to lose weight. Cumbia villera had also caused a sensation among the most marginal and poor public, which is why it had displaced the rolingas in the lower class sectors, although in the middle class rolingas sectors, and in the western area of ​​the Buenos Aires suburbs, where the rolinga phenomenon was more rooted, it remained predominant.

Added to this, the disappearance of bands like Viejas Locas and Jóvenes Pordioseros and the change of music in other rolingo bands contributed to the decline.


The rolingas are fans of the style of music they created, rolinga rock, which they simply call "rocanrol'."

They are fervent followers of bands such as

  • Callejeros
  • Ratones Paranoicos
  • Intoxicados
  • Los Piojos
  • Hijos del Oeste
  • El Bordo

In addition to a large number of rolingo bands that play on the "underground" circuit, such as:

  • Los Gardelitos
  • El Bordo
  • La Mocosa
  • Barrios Bajos
  • La Covacha
  • La 25
  • La Reventada (Tandil)
  • Ojos Locas
  • La Venenoosa,
  • And many more!

However, rolingas can also be fans of bands that are not rolinga rock, such as:

  • La Renga
  • Patricio Rey y los redonditos de ricota
  • Las Pelotas
  • Bersuit Vergarabat

There have even been rolingas in bands that do not resemble rolinga rock at all, such as Catupecu Machu. Rolingas in general underestimate or despise other musical genres, limiting themselves to listening only to rolinga rock. Those who do it, do it because they believe that other styles are part of the "establishment" (even with genres that are commercially minor, such as punk rock and experimental music), although another reason is because there are those who are musically closed and do not. They want to listen to something other than rolinga rock. For this reason the tribe has had conflicts with the punks, and has even had disagreements among themselves, such as when Intoxicados, by playing different musical styles such as Reggae and Hip-hop, divided its audience into a group of conservative rolingas and another self-proclaimed "the new religion".


  • Okupas (2000)
  • Tumberos (2002)
  • Pizza, birra, faso (1998)

