Aesthetics Wiki

Ravencore is an aesthetic influenced by Goblincore and Cottagecore. Ravencore is similar to, but not the same as, Crowcore. Ravencore is a nature-centered aesthetic, taking inspiration from ravens themselves. In nature, ravens generally prefer undisturbed mountainous or forested areas over urban areas (unlike crows); feed on scavenged carrion, small invertebrates, and insects; gather in groups (though they are usually seen alone or in pairs); and are known to hoard shiny objects. Ravencore is built around these basic principles.

The aesthetic is characterized by collecting items of interest, as well as building friendship with corvids and having a broad respect for nature. The style embraces the elegance of misty, mossy, shaded forests. If you are looking for a grittier, muddier, and brighter aesthetic you may want to consider Goblincore.

Ravens, followers of the ravencore aesthetic, are often very prideful of their collection and enjoy displaying and sharing it with others.


  • Birds, especially corvids like ravens or crows or jackdaws
  • Feathers
  • Mountains, forests, and natural environments
  • Mushrooms
  • Moss and lichen
  • Plants, especially if overgrown
  • Books
  • Candles
  • Stone walls overgrown with vines or moss
  • Wild animals
  • Logs
  • Rocks or crystals
  • Small trinkets
  • Shiny objects
  • Insects
  • Skulls


Hoard Content[]

Ravens often collect:

  • Books
  • Candles
  • Rocks and crystals
  • Small trinkets
  • Feathers
  • Shiny objects
  • Insects
  • Skulls or bones

What Brings Joy[]

Followers of the ravencore aesthetic are often at peace when surrounded by nature. Mossy forests, mountains, ferns and mushrooms, slow-trickling creeks, the scent of petrichor, the twinkling of stars at night, and the soft glow of fireflies are all commonly calming themes within the aesthetic.

Members are also often comforted by old books, mossy stone houses, and spending time with fellow ravens. Gardening and caring for plants or animals is also a common theme within the aesthetic.


The aesthetic is very inclusive, with groups striving to ensure that everyone is welcome. While the aesthetic is not a movement, it often rejects the normal roles of society and its members can be seen working against injustice and towards equality.

