Aesthetics Wiki

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Suffix Explanation
Alternative Alternative, also known as Alt is an umbrella term that can describe anything that sits outside of the mainstream. This could include Punk, Grunge, Emo, etc. Sometimes, if a subculture is particularly popular (rock is an example of this), alternative rock would be its own sub-genre outside of 'mainstream' rock.
Badass Aesthetics that depict toughness, exceptional skill, and coolness. This category also contains pages where the community is trying to look badass, but fails.
Creepy Aesthetics that give a sense of horror, unease, and danger due to darker themes such as death, monsters, violence, and psychological trauma.
Cute Aesthetics that are cute.
Electronic Aesthetics that involve electronics, the internet, and computer graphics.
Feminine Aesthetics that are aligned with what is typically considered feminine and has a majority female audience.
Futuristic Aesthetics that take place or evoke the popular imagination of what the future would be like.
Masculine Aesthetics that are aligned with what is typically considered masculine and has a majority male audience.
Mainstream Aesthetics that are seen as in line with the trends the majority culture has. This includes mainstream cultures of the past.
Mature Aesthetics associated with a socially acceptable adulthood. The visuals here appeal to adults and are more concerned with sophistication, practicality, and elegance. Its target audience is typically people who are older than 18, with expectations and knowledge that would only adults would have, such as being settled in a career, finished with high school, etc.

Note: this tag is NOT used for pages with content warnings. For those pages, see Sensitive Content.

Natural Aesthetics that have a strong association or origin with nature.
Sexy Aesthetics that use sexual imagery and illicit sexual feelings.
Wealthy Aesthetics that show displays of wealth, with both subtle and excess wealth being counted.
Youthful Aesthetics associated with children and teens. They do not have to be the primary audience of the aesthetic, but the aesthetic avoids motifs found in the "mature" category and often involves school, playing, and innocence. Broken childhood can be included here.
Vintage Aesthetics that are connotative of a past era through visuals, music, and fashion styles of what was trendy in decades before the current appreciator. Most designers and tastemakers tend to agree that vintage needs to be 20 years old to be considered such[1]. Because this is the 2020s, anything during/before the 2000s is considered vintage. However, designers tend to refer to anything before 100 years ago antique, which limits vintage to after the 1920s.