Aesthetics Wiki
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The word "aesthetic" originated as the philosophical discussion about what beauty is, how we should approach it, and why it exists. Later, the academic field of art history used aesthetic to refer to a set of principles motivating artists and certain periods of art history. However, Millennials and Generation Z started using that term as an adjective that describes what they personally consider beautiful. For example: "After Denise finished watching The Virgin Suicides, she said, 'Wow. That was so aesthetic.'"

Aesthetics have now come to mean a collection of images, colors, objects, music, and writings that creates a specific emotion, purpose, and community. All aesthetics have a background and history that has a variety of origins. For example, different historical periods, fictional genres, subcultures, music genres, and national cultures can be considered aesthetics. For explanations of different types of aesthetics, see the By Category section. There is currently no dictionary definition that captures the complexity of this phenomenon, which arose in the Internet youth.

Because of the variety of different aesthetics, many, if not all, people have a preference for certain types of aesthetics. It is largely dependent on personal taste, cultural background, and exposure to different pieces of media. People in the aesthetic community online largely express their aesthetic by having a blog dedicated to that aesthetic, owning certain fashion/room decor pieces, having certain habits, etc. This is largely performed on the internet, leading to many criticisms about the community.

Aesthetics 101: An explanation into aesthetic culture[]

The pages made for this section will help you to gain an understanding of the various elements that come together to create the various aesthetics you will find. Many of these pages are under construction.

  1. Colour Theory
  2. Suffix Meanings
  3. Philosophy
  4. Visuals
  5. Fashion
  6. Music
  7. Subgenres (Coming Soon)
  8. Blending: Comparable & Contrasting Aesthetics

Useful Articles Describing What (Internet) Aesthetics Are[]
