i am here to introduce you to "drizzlecore". i've asked about it a few times, but haven't really seen anything about it. so, i'll post about it. i was first introduced to it by a random tumblr blog that i can't remember the name of. this felt like the something i've been yearning for for a while. i felt attraction to the sort of untamed-ness of goblincore and the other outdoor aesthetics. but i also felt a calling to things like weirdcore, liminal spaces, dreamcore, etc. this is like both, in one thing.
the visuals are primarily composed of landscapes fog, drizzle, or mist, like nature's photo filter. often, they have a sort of confused, liminal quality, or even a nostalgic quality. they make you want to escape to there and escape from there at the same time. they may also have some minor editing, or even words added to them, usually in the arial font with plain black lettering. the photos may also have a grainy filter overlaid if they don't already have that quality.
here are some example visuals.
maybe you do want to fall in. maybe you want to fall asleep. maybe you want to run and never look back.
another quality of this aesthetic would be the lax clothing guidelines. the main qualities of the clothing would be baggy, comfortable and earth-toned. glam, brightly-coloured clothing, t-shirts with intense graphics, and constrictive clothes and footwear do not fit within the aesthetic. this is apparently partly because of the fact that this partly draws from aesthetics like weirdcore and dreamcore, which are primarily visual aesthetics that live on through the internet.
activities are also quite simple--urban exploration, geocaching and the like would fit well into this aesthetic.
music is quite important, but not well-defined. drizzlecore's musical tendencies borrow from both dreamcore and other, more nature-y sounds from aesthetics like goblincore. the music of drizzlecore might expand from lofi rain to cosmo sheldrake to no love in the house of gold to radiohead.
and at its core, the values of drizzlecore are those of solitude, surreality, and exploration.
hope you enjoyed going on this journey. you may return soon.