I am new to the fandom and I'd thought I say hi :) I hope I can get along with ya'll
I am new to the fandom and I'd thought I say hi :) I hope I can get along with ya'll
Amazon is good but be careful bc there are a lot of chinese stores on there who are trying to make quick cash and they make awful cheap clothes with bad chemicals in it and bactria and stuff it's bad
Oh ok sorry I just saw the dollskill comment I didn't notice the other one lol
Np! always here to help the fandon :)
Probably either: Lolita, Kawaii, or Softie. But I'd say probably Kawaii or Softie/Soft girl
Probably light academia if you don't like the brown and dark colors.
Dollskill is bad they are racist and support p3doph!llia and r4p3 do not buy. It's too bad I bought a dress there before I knew :/
Also thift stores might be good
Animecore 100%
Try Hot Topic, 3loveplug.com, and Urban Outfitters
Can you do a Cartooncore or Y2K one for bisexual?
Not Spacecore. Probably Witchcore or Magiccore.
Softie, Kawaii, Pastel
Weirdcore for sure
I may be wrong tho
I think your aesthetic is either Animecore or Indie
Wow we have similar interests lol