The aesthetic of Fifty Shades Trilogy
The aesthetic of Fifty Shades Trilogy
delicate sweet and coquette its not a same aesthetic, but when I keep liking delicate sweet posts on tumblr, I keep seeing ( sometimes even slightly nsfw ) coquette posts. Im a minor and I dont want to see this things, but I really like delicate sweet aesthetic. What can I do?
39 Votes in Poll
I’ve tried searching and all i can find is dark nymphet but i’m not sure.. i added tags were i think it’s similar to so it can get to the right people xx
I was hoping someone would be able to give me permission to edit the nymphet aesthetic page, there are so many things I wish I could add, because there are many more subcategories other than fauntlet that the original creator left out. I totally understand why not just anyone can edit the page because I can see how that could go wrong quickly, but I would love to rehabilitate this aesthetic’s image.