The story takes place between 2004-2007, in the era of Doc Ock, Rent, and Brianna Garcia losing her Poster Gal goodness, and the story focuses on two or three girls trying to weave their way through high school
Here is Isabelle “Izzy” Martinez, the protagonist and narrator. She gets more emo, I promise. She is an obsessive Hugonut who loves spending her days at the mall, and she also struggles with PTSD and claustrophobia, along with autosm and ADHD, but she doesn’t exactly struggle with those; in fact she is quite skilled with autism! Her best friend is a mallgoth named Roxy Hamilton
Here’s Roxy Hamilton. Roxy Hamilton is the aforementioned mallgoth, and she loves nothing more than reading Hellblazer and listening to Korn. She runs a cult dedicated to Hellblazer on VampireFreaks and lives in a rather shitty home.
She is the host of multiple parasitic worms that are slowly turning her into John Constantine mentally due to eating a pizza from Mobil Mart when she was 13.
Also gotta love the fact that Izzy has more piercings than her, but its justified because Roxy’s parents are poor and her mother would pull some insane moves if she got a piercing
This is Aspen Tuck, an Orlando Bloom fangirl with a knack for Disney movies, and will watch anything that her friends enjoy because she likes them. You guys actually helped name her! She’s based on a friend I used to have that ended up becoming a mean girl a while later, and I never saw her again
Over 5e course of the novel, Isabelle gains and loses numerous friends, such as KaiLee, a Japanese character who moves to Illinois
The book contains photos even though its a far more advanced read. The book’s art style is implied to resemble photos from Isabelle’s sketchbook. Websites such as LiveJournal and deviantART frequently appear in the novel, with a lot of stuff happening online throughout the novel. A majority of non-online stuff happens in places such as the mall, school, and places around Isabelle’s house, such as the Movie Gallery video rental store, and Taco Bell, where Izzy tries to skateboard through the drive thru in one scene (before said Taco Bell was condemned and abandoned because a better one was built by the Wal-Mart by my house, as the novel takes place)