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@Click-clack-clink sorry, it's the first thing that come sto my mind when anyone says goblins, it's an anime with goblins... and everyone watches it only because of the first episode and I believe you don't wanna know more O.o
@AzureKesil yeah, sounds totally unrelated to globins 'As a part of this beloved "ugliness" is the Goblin itself, a malevolent thieving creature in European folklore but in Goblincore a carefree representation of one's infatuation with nature's "ugliness" and general unpredictability.'
@Clockworkbenzene its ok! im not a fan of anime so i know absolutely nothing about it lol
Well, anime is not a monolithic thing, but a media branch. It's like saying you don't know what "Kill Bill" is because you're not a fan of films. And, even then, Google is a thing :P
@AzureKesil i know that. i dont know what kill bill is because im not a fan of film nor do i really watch movies/tv. there are probably other reasons but thats the main reason, i dont know any animes mainly because i dont watch/im not a fan of anime. i dont care enough about these things to google them and i asked them anyways. idk why you care tho
I care because there's no need to lack knowledge when t'internets are at hand. And wikis are information repositories, aren't they?
@AzureKesil i lack knowledge because i dont care, anime doesnt interest me neither does film. i dont look up things that dont interest me. plus they answered my question anyways, if they didnt then oh well im not going to go out of my way to do something that i dont care about and there is no reason for you to butt into this conversation, neither of us were talking to you.
Discussions are not closed conversations. That said, I can see how this is veering off topic, which is forbidden :P
@AzureKesil it wouldnt have been if you had not have criticize me for no reason. there was no reason too is what i meant by you being uninvited. i would have appreciated it if you added something useful to the discussion, but you didnt. (do not respond im done talking about this)
@AzureKesil thank you for info, but I think it's @Click-clack-clink personal thing what they care and don't care about, not yours. So you don't need to be toxic because of that, thank you!
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